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Our goals
Education & Training
- Promote the education and vocational training of young people and children in rural and urban areas;
- Encourage the schooling of young girls;
- Encourage literacy;
- Promote youth employment;
- Encourage the spirit of self-promotion among young people through SMEs/SMIs
- Help young entrepreneurs access financing for their activities;
- Promote youth leadership and personal development.
- Contribute to functional adult literacy;
- Support the private initiative of disadvantaged young people;
- Bring the basic populations to have access to primary health care and pharmaceutical products at a lower cost;
- Fight against STIs/HIV/AIDS as well as opportunistic diseases;
- Enable populations, especially rural populations, to have access to drinking water, modern latrines, hygiene and improved sanitation
- Medical and pharmaceutical support for dispensaries and infirmaries
- Promote training, research, retraining of health personnel;
- Promoting socio-psychiatric care for the sick
- Promote the reproductive health of women or that of mothers and children;
- promote family planning within communities
- Promote integral and sustainable development in Togo and Africa
- Defend a viable economic development on the scale of the territory, which takes into account the respect of the environment and the quality of life of the inhabitants;
- Act for the preservation and restoration of biodiversity, the ecosystem and natural habitats by safeguarding the fauna and flora dangerously destroyed in recent years by the populations and by protecting the environment through reforestation and respect for fauna and flora and by combating environmental pollution, deforestation, soil erosion, desertification and the destruction of the ozone layer;
- Protect the environment ;
- Promote reforestation and sanitation within the populations;
- Contribute to the judicious use of chemical pesticides among populations
Agriculture & Livestock
- encourage agriculture and animal husbandry;
- contribute to the development and improvement of agricultural and livestock production;
- contribute to better marketing of agricultural and livestock products;
- fight against hunger among populations.
- popularize within rural communities, the use of fertilizer from compost (green manure);
- promote within rural communities, the use of selected seeds;
- work towards better conservation of agricultural products;
- develop market gardening;
- help farmers diversify their agricultural activities;
- form agro-pastoral groups and help people to store their agricultural products in times of plenty and resell them during the lean season and promote agriculture in these areas;
- introduce people to new farming techniques
Woman & Child
- promote gender equity;
- fight against girl prostitution;
- fight against violence against women, the excision of the young girl as well as degrading cultural practices towards her;
- fight against the marginalization of women in society;
- promote the rights and duties of young girls and children;
- to work for the dignity of the young girl;
- fight against work, child trafficking and violence against children, especially orphans
Socio-community development
- Strengthen the capacities of the most vulnerable populations;
- assist populations in the event of disaster or natural calamity.
- promote socio-community development
- provide financial, material and moral assistance to the poor, especially widows and orphans;
- fight against idleness and delinquency among young people;
- Fight against poverty, misery, exclusion and precariousness of grassroots populations;
- Welcome and help orphans, delinquents and the desperate;
- work towards the socio-professional reintegration of convicts;
- work for the social reintegration of orphans and street children