

Historical background

We, young Christian executives, concerned about the development of African populations
Conscious that the health of the populations of our underdeveloped countries in general and that of Togo in particular, is very precarious,
Aware that education is the basis of all development, while illiteracy and school dropout are reaching worrying proportions in our underdeveloped countries,
Convinced that an African continent free from poverty and vulnerability is the most effective way to guarantee progress and development,
Concerned about the ecological and social crisis which is now manifesting itself in a globalized way (climate change, scarcity of natural resources, shortages of fresh water, approaching peak oil, gaps between developed and developing countries, food security, deforestation and drastic loss biodiversity, world population growth, natural and industrial disasters among others),
Aware that agriculture and livestock constitute a key sector of the economy of developing countries, but which unfortunately are poorly exploited
Aware of the misery and poverty in which our populations live, we have decided to come together in association to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of the African populations in general and Togolese in particular.
It is our goal to act local and think globally to establish development that meets the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. PRODIDA-PROISDA continues to seek to expand its programs and services to communities.